EOI: Team-Heko Slimline Weather shields

status report, woot,

once again, let me start by saying sorry about to massive delay, did not expect this -.-

secondly we heard back from heko about a group buy discount, and they say there are price cuts at 5000.. so there goes that plan, we are now just trying to get the final figures shipping then mission is a go, the only thing I am concerned about though is the pricing, as i am trying to keep it as cheap as I possibly can without getting myself into mass amounts of debt or having to run around asking for more money from people (which is a position I never want to be in).

i am tallying up all the yay's and nays from AusProton as well and then we shall see what they say, hopefully I will within the week have a total price and finally can make this happen!

cheers for your patience everyone

okay so rather large update in terms of stuff,

First thing is first, the person I had been chatting with from coltUK went quiet, I think he just got over things, essentially conversations went back and forth with, "how many people exactly do I need to order" and my repsonse of "I can only give estimations until I get the money. ontop of this, the price for them kept going up and up and up as I found other things and realised other issues, so grk2meet and myself came up with a better plan..

there is another mob that does some very very very similar model weather deflectors based in NSW, and we may actually get a group discount on these which would be very very good, as well as save on shipping costs etc.

So, who is keen for these?
Rough estimate? Dont wanna say yes and it ends up being some ridiculous price lol just wanna know if its a price ill be happy with...
Mr_LanRydar said:
im keen for a new set, but is it possible to get pictures of it alex? does it look almost identical to team HEKO?

Will need to get r2meet to get some pictures as this is from one of his contacts, I have just been told they are the ones that sit in the gap and look very similar