A pillar gauges

but u dont have a turbo? therfore making exhaust temp even more useless than it already is...
its even fairly useless for a turbo engine (or race engine)
I get it for lul's, I actually only see the point for volt, oil, water. And I'd be getting a turbo anyway lol (evo is my next car)
I see your point, that's why I bought the PLX OBDII gauge... I get everything and it's customisable...

(When it works! Recently had to send it back to US for a fix....)
but even with a turbo car, they are meant to tell u if ur turbo is getting too hot or something is fked and if ur going to start/or have already destroyed *poo* in ur engine
and alos possibly if its too cold to thrash

but to be honest i think if ur just having it for lolz u could get a more lul-ful gauge, like an AFR atleast that'l move with engine load and throttle etc
I only have two modules, the OBD and a wide-band AFR.. it displays via the same screen... I agree, AFR is a useful tool.
tryg said:
No, but you might like AFR, Boost and Exhaust Temp... in difference to what you said above....
I wouldnt want boost there, i'd have volt/oil pressure and engine temp. boost should be on the pillar and well only pussies need a tacho

( yes i know i made this thread for my tacho, its now used in devi8's MR converted gli
I don't get why you need another temp gauge, unless you specifically wanted oil temp... doesn't your car have one?!