A pillar gauges

mmmmm thanks for that tryg. i will look into the dual one. u haven't had any luck with a triple one or am i pushing my luck
sweet as tryg i thank u for all ur help, would love to come to the meet and find some more of ur wisdom as it seems to be quality
I know this is a pillar gauge thread, but there are also some tasty DIN mount.. especially if you don't mind paying for them!
Yeah, those 2DIN stereos are nicer to have anyway.. the search continues! So much LHD stuff.. God Bless the Americans! Pity Japanese makers don't have more out there...

You could try http://www.rhdjapan.com/
Din unit looks pretty cool, except I want a tacho, and I dont want to have to look at my gearstick to see it. Would be good for volt/amp/temp.
No, but you might like AFR, Boost and Exhaust Temp... in difference to what you said above....
you could also have Fuel pressure and VAC, jus sayin'