CH->CG Rear End Conversion


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So I asked this over at MCA a while ago, and thought I'd ask it here.

Is it possible to convert the CH's rear to the CG's rear.

So far I've figured out you would need to place taillights, boot and bumper, and that the only real difference is where boot meets the bumper and the boot meets the lights... I was wondering if anyone could confirm this? Because if they can I'll be hitting up the wreckers (regardless of colour since I'm getting a respray in <12months) and making this happen. Thanks in advance.
no idea if it would work, i have actually wondered the same thing staring at the back of them in traffic

you should do it, be a custom diy do-er!

also maybe find a friend with the cg rear have a better indepth look and maybe change some parts to test if said friend is cool with that
Yeah dare you do do it ;)

Never heard or seen anyone attempt it before.

The Cg's rear end looks without a doubt much more better than the Ch's.
Wouldn't that make your car a bit of an orphan...? Would anyone else really appreciate the work, come time to sell? Might marginalise your saleability a fair bit... unless you plan to keep it until it's worth nothing..

Nice thought though.
the CH is curved where the tail lights and boot meet the bumper where as the cg is completely straight, no curves.. i also wanted to do this but gave up lol, your best bet to achive the look would be to take out the plastic centre piece and weld a piece of metal in there and bog and sand it like so:
notice the curved boot edge and under the taillights, compared to this
tryg said:
Wouldn't that make your car a bit of an orphan...? Would anyone else really appreciate the work, come time to sell? Might marginalise your saleability a fair bit... unless you plan to keep it until it's worth nothing..

Nice thought though.

I do plan on keeping it till its worth nothing lol :lol:

I feel the CG rear end looks better then the CH's, marginally. Plus it'll be interesting to see done.

I still feel if I replace lights, boot, bumper, I'd get away with it.
I actually like the squareness of the CG, but it might not complement the flowing shape of the front....

Remember, the CG is more blocky in the front to match the rear.
those pics olli posted of the rear end change over look SICK!
do it skip DO IT!
It's not exactly "square", the lights are rounded, not to mention the bumper isn't "square". The only difference is the bottom of the boot and the top of the bumper have a little curved piece, the rest is the same style.......
I like it, but not convinced it will 'enhance'... but all the power to you, if you pull it off!

Next it'll be a Kingswood back on a VE front!
i have the boot lid and the lights sitting around but not the rear bar.
as i replaced the bootlid when i changed the spoiler and picked up spare lights off ebay.

if you wanted to try to fit the parts to see if it would work that would be possible.
only down side is i live in blayney NSW ( 30min from bathurst)

and the parts would only be for trial fit and not for sale.
I believe I have some stock cg tail lights at mum and dads place if you decide to go that route. Unless they've chucked them out in the last 3 years lol.
tryg said:
I actually like the squareness of the CG, but it might not complement the flowing shape of the front....

Remember, the CG is more blocky in the front to match the rear.

Cant see the front when your looking at the rear ;) Do it skip!
@Magnats I might be able to recruit Mike to do it for me :P

@Ian yeah I'll let you know when I get going on it!
If I had a helicopter to get magnats parts for you lol.

He lives wayyy to far :P

Get your coils first but!