coilover woes

Long story short the swaybar endlink on the cj attaches to the coilover (Struts) on the front. the length of it is prohibiting me from lowering it to a height I'm happy with, any suggestions on how to get around this? either with a bracket, drill the coilover bracket lower, change endlinks, etc? it's kind of annoying.

I'm also wondering how other people might have gotten around having the strut tower completely enclosed aside from the threads on the top, pretty annoying having no access to the centre bolt or dampening adjustment. anyone hear of any workarounds there before I take an angle grinder to my car?
I'll take a few on the weekend for context I think, have a few rough ideas for the front anyway, whiteline sell "adjustable" (meaning cut and use nuts to relock them) endlinks that will work but will then bind me to whatever height I cut them too which sucks a bit but would work)
Try jacking both sides of the car up and not just one side, otherwise I'd say you are going way to stupidly low if you cant get them on.

As for the rear you drill a hole, push the extenders and then attach them to the top of the strut and bam you have dampening adjustment. Don't know why you would need to get to the centre bolt?
Ryan said:
Try jacking both sides of the car up and not just one side, otherwise I'd say you are going way to stupidly low if you cant get them on.

As for the rear you drill a hole, push the extenders and then attach them to the top of the strut and bam you have dampening adjustment. Don't know why you would need to get to the centre bolt?

both sides were jacked up, and I wouldn't say stupidly low, fairly conservative at the moment in terms of height, could definitely use another inch drop.

And i guess thats a fairly logical solution ryan, don't know why I didn't think of that. as for access to the centre bolt I more meant it as context for what was hidden.
Get different length end links.
This should be done any time a car is lowered more than about 3cm or so such that the swaybar ends are parallel to the ground
raise coilover
attach swaybar link
lower coilover while attached
Spetz said:
Get different length end links.
This should be done any time a car is lowered more than about 3cm or so such that the swaybar ends are parallel to the ground
so my 15cm drop means i need new links? darn.
Jeffaz said:
Spetz said:
Get different length end links.
This should be done any time a car is lowered more than about 3cm or so such that the swaybar ends are parallel to the ground
so my 15cm drop means i need new links? darn.
15 cm lol fárkenell man
Jeffaz said:
so my 15cm drop means i need new links? darn.

Your 15cm drop means you need to raise your car.
The swaybar becomes less effective when the ends are at a huge angle