Ch lancer overheating problems


New Member
Hey guys, trying to find a solution fort overheating lancer. It's a ch lancer vrx with about 140 000km on it. Lately when I stop at lights, traffic etc my car has been overheating - quite quickly. I've tried to diagnose as best as possible and I've found that the thermo fans are not kicking in at all??? Now I've tried researching this and what I've come
Up with is that this model of lancers has a 'fan speed control unit' and a coolant temp sensor that controlsy
Thermo fans. I am thinking it is the coolant temp sensor but Mitsubishi has quoted
Me 200 dollars for a replacement so I would like to be sure. Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys
I'm not quite sure about a CH but in CEs the thermal fan kicks in at 96 degrees but a lot of the time those fans fail to work. Even if they don't the engine wouldn't overheat by much. Does it overheat only when the car stops? What about when its rolling?
Well that is interesting. I'll have a search through the service manual for a bit.
Is your car a 2lt or 2.4lt?

I've only got a manual for the 2lt, not sure if they are similar for that area.
Yea, the car is in pretty good condition. No bubbles in the radiator . When the car gets hot the air con goes hot as well. I've been searching online but can't come up with an easy fix? I usually work on ally cars myself so I'd prefer not to send it to the mechanic but I may have to???
Entirely up to you. If you don't feel confident fault finding then you might be best to take it to someone who can repair it.

Otherwise if you want to have a bit more of a look:
-The manual I'm looking in shows both fans are plugged into a control unit, which is fed from one relay & fuse.
Both items appear to be mounted in the engine bay. Your probably best to try and check each component statically with a multimeter.
-Resistance check fuse
-apply voltage to coil of relay & resistance check the contacts.

Let us know how you go.
Ok so put a new fuse in even though there was nothing wrong with the old one checked reisistence of the wiring from the fuse box and relay. But unsure how to check the relay . So since it's a on problem it's likely to be either the relay or the fan control module???
In both fans tho??? Seems a bit unusual??? Neither of my fans are running. List of things that could be wrong include, thermostat, coolant temp sensor, fan control module, fan relay, air in cooling system??, fans stuffed.

Since both fans won't work it seems unlikely that they are both stuffed, would have to think it is something common on both fans??
Given that both fans do not work when you turn the aircon on, you can rule out it being an engine/coolant related issue.

To check relay, apply a voltage to its coil (it will have written on it, but normally for a car they are 12V, so couple bits of cable from the battery will let you test it) & while you have the coil energised, do a resistance check of the contacts, with power applied should be short(0ohms) and no power should be open circuit.
(thanks to eric the car guy .... )
Ok so I tried to test it just by hooking up the two larger prongs. One negative and the other positive. I couldn't hear it click and when I tested it it was an open circuit still. There was no diagram or markings on the relay so I'm
Still not 100 percent I was doing it right but I will go buy a relay tomorow and see how I go.
The larger spades are the switching contacts. these are the ones you need to do the resistance check on.
While doing that apply 12v to the two smaller spade connectors, and take note of the resistance.

(the relay you are checking, standing at the front of the vehicle looking into the engine bay, is it located on the bottom right of the main fuse/relay housing?)

No need to buy new parts until you prove the old ones are no good :thumbup:
my guess is faulty thermostat or fans, cant be fan control module because as Liom said, the fans will continuously run if this module is faulty.
Your car is overheating because either the thermostat is damaged and not operating correctly,your water pump is faulty,radiator cores are blocked with insects,maybe your ignition timing is out of specs etc.These are the causes.When the fans cut in its because the preset higher temperature has been reached and they switch on whether you are at rest at the lights or driving along on the road to reduce the temperature.So the fans not coming on is not the cause of your overheating.
If your car is getting hot like you say and the fans are not running then you have another problem also with sensors,control modules,fuses and wiring connectors.Maybe your coolant additive is too diluted?

Hope this helps
CH Panther said:
Your car is overheating because either the thermostat is damaged and not operating correctly,your water pump is faulty,radiator cores are blocked with insects,maybe your ignition timing is out of specs etc.These are the causes.When the fans cut in its because the preset higher temperature has been reached and they switch on whether you are at rest at the lights or driving along on the road to reduce the temperature.So the fans not coming on is not the cause of your overheating.
If your car is getting hot like you say and the fans are not running then you have another problem also with sensors,control modules,fuses and wiring connectors.Maybe your coolant additive is too diluted?

Hope this helps

you basically posted a wall of text on the question "why is my car overheating".
it's obviously an electrical failure associated with his fans in my opinion based on the evidence at hand.