1.8L Auto CE Idle


Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

A friend has a 1.8 02 CE auto and when at lights in D it idles sort of rough. Not rough in the sense that it has something wrong with it, but just not smooth, sort of like the engine mounts are bad.
I inspected the mounts and they looked more or less ok though.

Is this normal, or does it in fact need new mounts? It has 120K on the clock.

And where/how much are mounts?
Are you sure it's the mounts? if it's a too low of idle the engine will jerk around more. Have you tried adjusting the idle speed controller?
The idle speed seems fine.
It just feels like vibrations during idle, sort of like a diesel engine
ask matty, he knows what fracked mounts feel like and he'll be able to tell u if thats it
I know the mounts are not broken, just maybe hardened and sagged, don't know if that makes a difference on these rubber mounts though.
I changed hydraulic mounts on one of my cars and it went from vibrating quite badly at idle to not being able to tell the engine was running.
what car has the Hydraulic engine mounts fitted Spetz ? you wouldn,t want to blow a hose hey. :) anyway back you your question regarding this CE Idle issue, how is the idle when the engine is running in nuetral ? if the same there is a chance the problem could be the engine coolant temp switch. sounds weird hey but my friend has an earlier CB auto and had this smae problem and it was diognosed down to this sensor switch.
The mounts don't actually have hoses coming from them, they are rubber with oil inside them. It was on my C124 Coupe Mercedes.

The Lancer in question is not my car so I will need to ask a few more questions about it I guess